Case Study / Performance Marketing
How optimizing your campaign with storytelling helps increase installs

fraenk is a simple mobile phone contract. fraenk is open, honest and straightforward! Nothing is promised here that does not exist! There’s only one rate option (5 GB for 10€ a month), without hidden costs. Everything via app, 100% digital with an eSIM function and cancellable monthly.
We at Customlytics appreciate fraenk’s brand story and its hands-on mentality. The still young mobile brand with its mobile app is known by around 8% of Germans after 2 years on the market. fraenk sets itself apart from competitors by providing just one rate option digitally and the option to unlock more GBs each month by recommending and sharing your code with friends. Both you and your friend get 1 GB permanently on top of your existing rate. It’s our mission to convey all these advantages by working together with fraenk on Performance Marketing.
Our case study focuses on Paid Media, specifically how the role of storytelling can be adjusted with minimal changes and therefore user tailored content affects decision-making and the performance of mobile phone contracts.
In relation to fraenk’s birthday campaign, where fraenk celebrates its second birthday, a voucher initiative was set up for a running time of two months. The user was able to get 7 GB data instead of the regular 5 GB with the code “fraenk2”. The main objective was: To have more users install the fraenk app and complete their mobile phone contract by trying out different storytelling approaches in the creative concept.
In order to reach a young target group in the short term, TikTok is integrated into the existing channel mix. Via the organically grown fraenk channel as a sender, an existing following is specifically addressed here, among other things.
With a stronger focus on product USPs and price and in order to act diversely and generate learnings, numerous versions were tested over the entire campaign period, in which both the price and the USPs were tested at different spots in the videos.
All messages used are based on the the communicative guideline around the central fraenk USP: fraenk can be set up and closed at any time and in any place – no matter where you are.
Here are the different steps we took to optimize the campaign in its various iterations in order to form a well-structured learning process:
1. We started to analyze the already existing influencer videos for fraenk’s birthday campaign. However, a lot of them were too long and not precise enough. In the performance sector you always need to focus on directly naming the USPs. Besides that, there’s always an extra step when communicating with influencers and their management, taking up your resources and possibly leading up to misread briefings.
- Once again, we tried to utilize user-generated content (low production cost) by briefing one of fraenk’s working students:
The first iteration shows less focus on telling a story, but more keeping it short and precise by quickly mentioning USPs.
- For the second iteration we needed some more optimizations:
- In the first iteration, the fraenk2 code was only shown very briefly. The new iteration shows a permanent display of the code in the video after mentioning it verbally. (User is aware of the promotion and possibly even remembers the code
- Storyline optimization: “fraenk hat Geburtstag” is not relevant for performance, therefore we deleted it
- We included a code validity deadline to evoke urgency
- By using the keyword „permanent“ +2 GB the communication of this action was optimized (the keyword worked well in other campaigns on other channels).
With just a few iterations, we optimized the video in a significant way that it yielded good results and was ultimately awarded by TikTok as a best practice in the mobile category. All of these creative optimizations lead to the following results:
Click Rate
CVR Click to Install
Permanently show code in text form
(try interactive stickers if necessary).
Optimal video length for higher performance is rather short with 10-20 seconds.
Make sure that the important USPs are communicated right away at the beginning, this way you are more likely to catch user’s attention, who are interested in the product.
You can utilize user-generated content to your advantage by saving time and resources when asking already existing employees for their input, instead of reaching out to management companies of influencers.
Future Plans
For future promotions with voucher codes, the code should also be communicated consistently.
It is important to keep in mind the learnings from other platforms, but the learnings from other platforms do not necessarily work on TikTok, because the target audience is different.
In the future we will try to use TikTok’s features such as the interactive stickers to promote voucher codes.