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In the meantime, check out our video series to help you understand and apply the Marketing Master Map to your business! You can head back to the previous page by clicking the button, or scroll down to view the videos.
Looking for more information?
Don't worry,
will break down each section of the Marketing Master Map!
Our CEO Christian Eckhardt introduces you to the Marketing Master Map. He will explain to you in detail how you can apply this framework and unlock the full potential of each stage of the customer journey in your mobile marketing.
01: Customer Journey
The customer journey with its four stages is the foundation of the Marketing Master Map. Christian guides you through each of the stages in this video.
02: Advertising Strategy
In this video, Christian explains to you what advertising strategies can be used to reach specific objectives at different stages of the marketing lifecycle.
03: Channels
The next in our video series focuses on marketing channels and how to look at the bigger picture when optimizing across channels.
04: Departments
In this part, Christian shares tips on how to organize teams successfully for moving mobile users down the funnel.
05: Technologies
Last but not least, you will learn all about technologies that can support your marketing strategy at each step of the funnel.
Here are some benefits of applying the Marketing Master Map to your business.