Anna Priester
Junior Project Manager, Marketing & Events
Recently, we have published the Marketing Master Map, our new developed growth framework that supports mobile marketers in their day-to-day work to plan their full-stack mobile marketing.
To better show mobile marketers how they can benefit from the Marketing Master Map, we brought together our Berlin Mobile Marketing & Growth Meetup group and hosted a virtual Mobile Growth Talk. Together, our CEO Christian Eckhardt and mobile analyst and influencer Peggy Anne Salz shared hands-on insights on how to apply the framework as well as how to advance with mobile growth strategies in 2021.
In case you missed it, here’s a short recap of what has been discussed and Christian’s view on the Marketing Master Map.
Why common marketing frameworks fall short
Marketing frameworks are familiar, but that also means they have been around for a long time – often without any updates for our modern context. After taking a long hard look at existing frameworks, Christian says the Customlytics team found a few problems that stood out. First and foremost is that they fail to offer a holistic view of today’s marketers’ needs. They may look at the lifecycle up until the first transaction. Others only start after the acquisition of a new user. If your framework only looks at part of the picture, you are missing out on essential data.
That’s why, Christian says, Customlytics designed the maximum estimate to cover the whole funnel, following customers from the awareness stage through their transaction histories and on to becoming loyal users. With a fuller picture of the customer lifecycle, you can gather an understanding of LTV and other vital metrics.
Christian also says that existing marketing frameworks were too generic and not specific to mobile and often lacked specificity.
Closing the loop with the Marketing Master Map
Being an effective marketer in the digital age means understanding your customer in detail. But even with more data available than ever before, marketers don’t always have a handle on their funnel.
“I always had the feeling, also from working in companies, of course, in performance marketing or online marketing that sometimes when you look at stuff for too long – like a specific marketing channel for too long – you kind of tend to forget how the actual user flow looks,” says Christian. “And you’re so focused on, you know, making this click-through rate 0.5% better and making your Facebook carousel perform 2% better in…that you kind of tend to forget that there’s actually a big, a much bigger space and also many more people in the company and they’re working on the same goal actually – which is obviously bringing users to convert, bringing used to come back.”

You can find all of the videos of the series here).
The Marketing Master Map helps guide marketers along that road, defining these stops along the way.
- Customer journey – Every marketer is familiar with the customer journey but what you may not have realized is that as your customers move further along in their journey, it takes less effort to keep them. Learn how to identify the point in your customer journey when user commitment increases, and you can stop the “hard-sell.”
- Advertising strategy – Matching your message to the buyer’s stage is imperative to success in the digital age. Christian sees many marketers getting ahead of themselves and talking about USP when they should be building basic awareness, and as a result, they lose customers. He says: “It’s not even something that you have to talk about at all. But if you do, then it has to be in the evaluation phase.”
- Channels – In a multi-channel world, it can be hard to know where to put your budget. Christian has advice for cash-strapped marketers looking to make the most impact. Hint: ASO may be costly upfront, but those dollars go a long way as only minor adaptations are needed down the line. Not all channels are relevant for each app but Christian says: “If you don’t get your ASO right and you scare people off in your app store appearance, you will have a very hard time converting anybody into even making the first purchase.”
Also, it really depends on the stage of the App Marketing lifecycle and which channel(s) to focus on.
- Departments – Every department is important, but you need one function at every step of the journey: business intelligence (BI). Why? Christian explains: “Simply because we always need data. Without data, we will not be able to even understand how a user is moving along in the different steps of the marketing lifecycle.” BI informs your CRM and when it comes to apps, CRM needs to be built into the app from the very beginning.
- Technologies – Technology is a crucial player in the quest to move customers from acquisition to advocacy. When you use it properly, your tech stack and data can help you identify churn before it starts by allowing you to determine when your users’ needs aren’t being met and are in danger of abandoning your app. Side note from Christian: “Don’t panic if you’re focusing on the technologies mentioned in the map and realize that you’re missing some as a small startup. This is absolutely normal – such a setup is complicated, needs a lot of manpower, resources, and hence money. You may find such complete setup at bigger companies at some point but keep in mind: everything big starts small.”
For a deeper dive into each of these topics and to learn how they impact you and your marketing strategy, tune in to the entire conversation.
Recording of the Meetup: How to advance with mobile growth strategies in 2021
If you wish to follow their conversation more in detail, you can access the transcript here.
Connect with Customlytics to learn more about the Marketing Master Map
This map is a work in progress at the moment and any suggestions, feedback and comments are very welcome. Contact us via [email protected].
Visit our interactive landing page for more information about the Marketing Master Map, including explanatory videos of each stage of the customer journey with individual steps, presented by Christian.
Get your free copy of the Marketing Master Map! Via the QR Code, you can receive your free copy of the MMM to print out. You can also order an A0 size poster to be sent to you. Keep your poster close by in the office for easy access to an overview of your marketing efforts!
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