All you need to know about Apple’s latest App Store advertising antics
Apple currently makes quite some headlines, caused by changes to the advertising business inside their App Store: With its new measures, it angered Meta
Apple currently makes quite some headlines, caused by changes to the advertising business inside their App Store: With its new measures, it angered Meta
As more people watch video content on their mobile devices, the nature of mobile video monetization is steadily changing. Particularly the rise of programmatic advertising, which we define as an automated, technology-driven method of buying, selling or fulfilling digital display ad placements is notable
Um Euch von der Skalierbarkeit (sowie der Zeitersparnis) von dynamischen Produktanzeigen zu überzeugen, haben wir Euch in diesem Artikel
Ganz gleich, ob Werbebanner euer Herz höher schlagen lassen oder ihr lieber jeden Banner wegklickt und blockiert
Die Werbebranche im Mobilen-Bereich hat ein großes Problem: Mobile Ad Fraud, der das gesamte Mobile-Ökosystem, vom App Publisher bis hin zum Mobile Measurement Partner betrifft; Betrug in der mobilen Werbebranche schadet Workflows
As app technology advances, so are ways of cheating the system and wasting advertisers campaign budgets on fake app installs. According to Adjust