TikTok’s just good for brand building? If you think so, read this
TikTok? Isn’t this the video platform with all these hashtag challenges and trends that make users watch video after video without ever leaving the platform?
TikTok? Isn’t this the video platform with all these hashtag challenges and trends that make users watch video after video without ever leaving the platform?
Customlytics CEO Christian Eckhardt gave marketing competitors a friendly nudge in the latest podcast episode of Mobile Growth & Pancakes by Storemaven
As more people watch video content on their mobile devices, the nature of mobile video monetization is steadily changing. Particularly the rise of programmatic advertising, which we define as an automated, technology-driven method of buying, selling or fulfilling digital display ad placements is notable
In this workshop, Customlytics used the Marketing Master Map, an industry-acclaimed marketing framework to introduce viewers to the most important aspects of creative production for your paid ads
At this point, marketers have taken notice of this trend and will continue to leverage it to their advantage. The question is: What makes this content so popular, easily digestible, yet valuable content in order to leverage it?
Um Euch von der Skalierbarkeit (sowie der Zeitersparnis) von dynamischen Produktanzeigen zu überzeugen, haben wir Euch in diesem Artikel
In diesem Artikel erhaltet Ihr den ultimativen Leitfaden für den Start mit Google App Campaigns. Wir verraten Euch, wie Ihr Eure App erfolgreich vermarktet und das Beste aus dem Werbeprogramm herausholen
Ganz gleich, ob Werbebanner euer Herz höher schlagen lassen oder ihr lieber jeden Banner wegklickt und blockiert
What makes advertising on TikTok stand out? In this article, we will offer you our perspective on how to gain benefits from this platform
User Acquisition (UA) kann abschreckend wirken – muss es aber nicht. Dieser Blogartikel gibt einen Überblick über bezahlten mobile Marketingkanäle.