Case Study / MOBILE CRM
Educating users about the features and functions of a Smart Speaker with Cards

Helping Telekom Smart Speaker app Hallo Magenta reach higher user loyalty.
Educated Users
The Telekom Smart Speaker is a convenient voice control for your home. The accompanying Hallo Magenta app helps users set up the Smart Speaker. Users can use voice control to control various things such as MagentaTV or check the latest news, take calls and much more – all with their own voice. In this case study, we talk about the mCRM strategy, especially push notifications, that Customlytics created for the Hallo Magenta app.

The Objective
With the Hallo Magenta app, the Telekom Smart Speaker is easy to set up and can be operated immediately. The Smart Speaker is a convenient voice control for a smarter home. Users can use their voice to check the weather forecast or the latest news, listen to the radio, take calls, turn down the TV programme, dim the lights in the living room and much more – all with their own voice. This case study is about the CRM strategy, especially about Cards campaigns, which Customlytics created for the Hallo Magenta app.
The goal is to motivate users to engage with the Telekom Smart Speaker. To do this, users should be informed about updates to the Smart Speaker and be aware of all the functions that are accessible via the app. The engagement should not only be temporary, but lead to a stable, loyal user base.
The special feature of Cards is to implement seasonal content temporarily in the app, which is available to users for a period of time, but disappears again after the specific season, without developer involvement.
Seasonal campaigns, such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc., are intended to bring the use of the speaker closer to specific situations with detailed explanations, which is why they differ from regular push notifications.
The solution
MoEngage developed a bespoke Cards beta feature that is used in the Hello Magenta app. With the Cards feature, MoEngage created a kind of news feed within the app, whose content can be managed via the MoEngage Dashboard. The advantage here is that no developer resources are needed to customize content and the performance of the content can be easily evaluated via the MoEngage Dashboard. Changes can be made at any time and new content can be published or old content archived.
Additionally, push and card campaigns can be aligned, as well as divided into different categories. Unlike in-app or push notifications that users can swipe away or dismiss after interaction, MoEngage Cards ensure that your messages are remembered in a non-intrusive way. Users can interact with your message whenever they want. It’s a great way for brands to reach customers who have opted out of push notifications. Cards also offer the opportunity to customise content to users’ needs and conduct A/B testing on communication, timing and design/imagery.
Regularly on MoEngage, Cards have a blocky view with three rows listed below each other on a single page in the app. At Customlytics, we wanted a more multi-faceted view, so we worked with Telekom to design the Card detail pages, which Telekom developed to complement it. This solution is unique, innovative and was first seen at MoEngage.

The results
The Cards enabled users to be informed about the features and functions of the smart speaker that are relevant to them and motivated them to interact with the device. With the Cards feature, an individual area can be created in the app that offers users a lot of additional information. In contrast to push messages, more information can be conveyed via Cards, as the text length is not limited to xyz characters.
Since the Hallo Magenta app does not require email communication, seasonal cards are a good alternative to inform users about the functions of the Smart Speaker.
For example, on New Year’s Eve, users received the card “Bye 2021”, reminding them to use all the functions: “Let the old year come to an end and have a great start to the new one – with Magenta by your side! Do you already know what your Smart Speaker can do?”
Situational, tailor-made cards that remind users of Mother’s Day, for example, or suggest tips for going out on New Year’s Eve, come with the appeal “Just ask Magenta!” – an elegant way to achieve higher user loyalty.
For Customlytics and Telekom, it was important to create and evaluate the cards entirely via MoEngage’s user-friendly frontend. This enabled Telekom to easily create content marketing in the app (card detail pages), publish it in real time and take it offline again, without any programming knowledge and independent of releases in the app stores.

We were ecstatic when we first heard about the new Telekom Smart Speaker with Hallo Magenta. It's always challenging to make your audience aware of new technology, let alone convince them that they require a smart speaker in their lives. Thankfully, we had the ideal solution in the form of Cards, which enable brands to communicate with all of their customers (including those who have opted out of other channels) about anything without interfering with their browsing. Customlytics took advantage of this feature to create engaging campaigns for Hallo Magenta's new Telekom Smart Speaker. As a result, the experience was enjoyable, educational, and highly effective. Users were not only aware of how the new product worked, but they were eager to try it out.
– MoEngage Team
• Effective and first-time use of the beta feature in Europe at the time
• Users only receive content relevant to them
• Communicate seasonal use cases for the Smart Speaker
on the skills they have set up
• Inform users about special promotions
• A way of communicating to make information available in the long term
(info doesn't disappear like when clicking on push or in-app)
Customlytics is conceptually strong, innovative and finds unique solutions that take mobile communication to a new level!
We continue our successful partnership with Telekom and their new cloud-based smart home system in their app MagentaZuhause (Google Play / App Store) with an extended, customized strategy that Customlytics will implement.
Smart Home, Productivity