COVID-19 has thrown quite a few curveballs these past two years and continues to do so. Current events are overwhelming: We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and are finding comfort despite all the upheaval.
This year at Customlytics made us realize how privileged we are during this pandemic. Continuously growing made us appreciate the small things in life. In the urge to be environmentally, economically and socially conscious and represent these attributes as a company, we made the decision to give back this year. We had a set Christmas gift budget last year and decided to double the amount for the donation this year.
It has been a great opportunity to work with you all. You have contributed to the continued success of our companies with your work in respective roles. Each of you is to be appreciated for it.
This holiday season, we sincerely hope we speak for our respected clients and partners when we join forces with World Vision to donate:
10.622 euros

We hope this money will help a few more families get back on their feet. Your support makes a powerful difference as we continue to work together towards a mobile future.
Looking back at last year, this is what our office looked like preparing all of the physical gifts for our clients and partners:

While it’s always nice to be thanked for, with a physical gift during the holiday season, we hope you share our belief that giving back to others can be a purposeful and important present as well.
We spent some time researching the concept and purpose driving the organization World Vision, and we found ourselves deeply connected to their cause. They are addressing real problems in our society, and because we admire the integrity and efficiency with which they use their resources to establish services and directly support the target populations, we are writing today to express our support of their pursuit in the form of a monetary donation. Thank you for your courage and vision. Please keep up the good work.
But what do these diligent efforts to improve the world around us mean in context? We are honored to present you with this contribution and hope that it will help provide you with the resources you need to continue your endeavors.
We worked on a package with World Vision, that caters to real-life problems in different regions of this planet, and we are here to explain to you what each part means:

With an easy-care goat, we give families in Chad or Malawi the perfect farm animal.

With school supplies and clothes, we give children in Lebanon the most important things they need to attend school.

No clean drinking water? With a water filter, we help a family in Nicaragua to be safe.

We make children in Nicaragua shine with a ball and give them fun kicking with friends.

We help a family in Cambodia to raise chickens that provide fresh eggs and income.

Syrian refugee children in Lebanon have been through a lot. We give them joy while playing with a new set of toys!

Malaria is a common cause of death in Mauritania. With mosquito nets, they protect children.

Nutritious food is the basis for learning! We give school children in Mauritania a daily meal.

We support the re-greening of Kenya to create forests and a healthy environment.

We provide an energy-saving furnace for environmental protection and better health in Senegal.

We give light to a family in India with a safe and environmentally friendly solar lamp.

With a sheep we donate warm clothes, food and income for a family in Mongolia

Give me a lama! It helps people in Bolivia carry loads and provides warming wool.

We help mother and baby in Sierra Leone with initial equipment and medical care.

With seeds, we can give families in Bangladesh versatile harvests and healthy nutrition.

We help a family in Zimbabwe with a vegetable garden and more vitamins on the menu.

With fruit trees we support the afforestation in Peru and contribute to a healthy diet.

With a kit for health workers, we can make sure that more people can receive medical care.

We support a young person in Guatemala for a year in their education.

With a bicycle you can shorten distances to school, the market and anywhere in Kenya where transportation is lacking.

With ducks we give away the ideal farm animals in Bangladesh – their stable becomes a pond in a flood.

Donate seed money for your own bakery in Honduras and secure a freshly baked future.

Thanks to the animal-good gift, we secure the livelihood of a needy family in Vietnam.

We help children in Armenia with a jacket that gives protection and warmth and removes the hardness of the frost.

We support World Vision with essential supplies for rapid relief on the ground in the event of a disaster.

We help set up a library in Bangladesh. Learning-minded children are happy about it.

We allow a family in India to feel comfortable and safe in this small, fine home.

We give a family in Bolivia a beehive – the hardworking bees provide income.

We give new life to fishermen in the Philippines with a new boat.
You can find an even more elaborate explanation for each category on the World Vision website:
We know that World Vision goes above and beyond the call of duty. They represent all that is good, wholesome, ethical, and moral in a fund-raising organization. You can be assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated not only by us but by most members of the mobile community.
To our partners and clients: You are truly making a difference for the people World Vision helps. If you’d like to know more about how your gift is being used or if you’d like information on how to continue to support, we’d love to talk! Feel free to connect with us!
To our employees: Customlytics wants to thank you for your hard work this year! It is sincerely appreciated. We hope to see you in person next year and that we get the chance to have
physical team events again. This year has been the most successful in the history of the company. You made this possible! On to another successful year at Customlytics!
You’ve already made a valuable difference in our mobile community. Keep an eye out for future updates about how you’ve helped this core group of people.

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