App Marketing Blog
Welcome to a collection of articles, focusing on sharing mobile knowledge and behind-the-scenes insights of our full-stack mobile technology and marketing consultancy. Sharing stories about the people, events and development is what makes Customlytics remarkable.

Customlytics CEO interviewed: “Why would anyone still stick to old school ads?”
Customlytics CEO Christian Eckhardt gave marketing competitors a friendly nudge in the latest podcast episode of Mobile Growth & Pancakes by Storemaven

Don’t lag behind: Invigorate your app engagement with a news feed
“All the news that fit to print”. These famous seven words have resided on the front pages of the New York Times for more than a hundred years. While this motto still

How fraudsters milk your programmatic advertising budget and what to do about it
It’s so easy: Just upload your ad and the artificial intelligence will do the rest. This is the promise of programmatic advertising which has gotten

Follow these 3 simple steps to pull users from the web to your app
Consider this: You have a great app, great ASO and execute a great customer retention strategy inside your app – but you are not satisfied with the numbers

5 ways to keep in touch with your customers – one of them is rarely used but has high potential
In the last blog post, we covered the basics of a mobile Customer Relationship Management (mCRM) strategy. This time, we delve in deeper and have a look at the

How to keep app users engaged with a mobile retention strategy
Customer Relationship Management has been and still is an incremental part of marketing strategies: It targets existing customers, so that they stay active and loyal

7 ideas for Apple’s custom product pages to boost conversion rates
Apple’s introduction of custom product pages in December 2021 may not sound that epic to people outside of the app marketing bubble, but for those

These countries will take a stand in the global discussion about app store payment rules
On February 14th the company got fined by Dutch authorities with 5.6 million dollars – as it did the weeks before and after. With Apple looking at a 124-billion

A lesson in Apple In-App Events: It’s not the same for every user
This blog entry will give you a rough overview about In-App Events, explain where they appear for different users in the store and give recommendations to choose the apt type of event for the right user, so you get the most out of In-App Events

How to easily boost your Playstore ASO with a little HTML & the right Emojis in 2022💡
Don’t be afraid when hearing the word HTML, you don’t need to be a programmer to use it. It’s fairly simple. If you want to format certain words you always put these brackets <> in front of these words and enter the right command between them